What you need to know if your thinking about buying a home with a basement apartments or inlay suite
In 2011, the Province of Ontario passed the Strong Communities Through Affordable Housing Act. This legislation requires all municipalities in Ontario to update their Official Plans and Zoning By-laws to authorize second units within single-detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and townhouses as well as ancillary structures. However, municipalities were allowed to establish regulations (e.g. minimum lot size, minimum number of parking spaces, maximum size of accessory apartment) for accessory apartments or review their existing policies and provisions, if they already allow second units: Things to look for while searching for the right property are ceiling height, lot frontage, parking, window sizes and exits. Once you have found a property that your interested in purchasing it is important that you speak with your municipalities building department as well as permits and licensing to ensure you will be able to meet your city standards. Below are some great links to help get you familiar with the process and can be a great resource to start with. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We are always here to help. 905-434-2022