As a Reator I support the lastest action with the new down payment requirements coming into effect in the new year. I was concerned the new government would do some knee jerk reaction and institue more drastic changes.
Rob Carrick: Why homeowners should cheer new down payment rules article more
Sounds like future changes coming to the mortgage industry
Below is a Globe and Mail article Friday Dec 11th indicates in part of there article that more changes may be coming as OSFI are planning to update there rules here is a quote from their article.....On Friday, OSFI announced plans to update the rules that dictate how much capital the banks and private mortgage lenders must hold as insurance against bad mortgage loans. Although the proposal is up for discussion, and any changes aren’t likely to be implemented before 2017, there is a decent chance the banks will have to put in place bigger safety cushions to protect against housing-related losses. Here is the full article from the Globe and Mail.
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