3 Ways to Keep Your Gutters Clean This Fall

As the leaves start to change color and fall from the trees, it's a sure sign that autumn has arrived. While many of us enjoy the beauty of the season, it also brings a unique set of challenges for homeowners. One of these challenges is keeping your gutters clean and free from debris. Clogged gutters can lead to a host of problems, including water damage, mold growth, and even structural damage to your home. To help you maintain your gutters this fall, we've put together three effective ways to keep them clean and functional.

1. Regular Gutter Cleaning

The most fundamental way to keep your gutters clean in the fall is through regular maintenance. Set a schedule for gutter cleaning, ensuring that you check and clean them at least twice during the season. The ideal times to do this are in early autumn before leaves start falling in earnest and again after most of the leaves have fallen. Here's how to go about it:

a. Gather the right tools: You'll need a sturdy ladder, a pair of gloves, a scoop or trowel for removing debris, a bucket or bag for collecting the debris, and a garden hose with a nozzle attachment.

b. Safety first: Before you begin, make sure your ladder is on stable ground and that you have someone nearby to assist if needed.

c. Remove debris: Climb the ladder and scoop out leaves, twigs, and other debris from the gutters. Work your way along the gutter, paying special attention to corners and downspouts.

d. Check for blockages: Make sure that downspouts are clear of obstructions. Use the garden hose to flush out any remaining debris, allowing water to flow freely.

e. Inspect for damage: While cleaning, take the opportunity to inspect your gutters for any signs of damage, such as rust, loose brackets, or sagging sections. Address these issues promptly to avoid costly repairs later on.

2. Install Gutter Guards

To make your life easier and reduce the frequency of gutter cleaning, consider installing gutter guards. Gutter guards are designed to keep leaves and debris out of your gutters while allowing water to flow through freely. There are various types of gutter guards available, including:

a. Mesh guards: These are made of a fine wire or plastic mesh that allows water to pass through while keeping leaves and debris out.

b. Reverse-curve guards: These are designed to encourage leaves to blow off the roof, leaving your gutters clear.

c. Bottle brush guards: These consist of bristles that let water flow while preventing debris from entering.

Before choosing a gutter guard, consider your specific needs, the type of trees around your home, and your budget. While they can be a significant upfront investment, they can save you time and effort in the long run by reducing the frequency of gutter cleaning.

3. Trim Overhanging Trees

Another proactive way to prevent excessive debris from entering your gutters is to trim overhanging tree branches. Trees shed leaves and twigs during the fall, and if they're directly above your roof, these materials will inevitably find their way into your gutters. Regular tree maintenance can help reduce the amount of debris that lands in your gutters. Hire a professional arborist or use appropriate tools and safety gear to safely trim branches away from your roof and gutters.

Maintaining clean and functional gutters during the fall is essential to protect your home from water damage and other issues. By following these three key strategies – regular gutter cleaning, installing gutter guards, and trimming overhanging trees – you can ensure that your gutters stay debris-free and in good working order. Don't wait until the last leaf has fallen; start implementing these practices to keep your gutters clean and your home safe this autumn.


Get Ready for Festive Fun: Santa Claus Parades in Toronto and the Durham Region

The holiday season is just around the corner, and what better way to kick off the festivities than by attending a Santa Claus parade? These heartwarming events bring communities together, spreading cheer and joy to people of all ages. In the next two months, there are several Santa Claus parades scheduled in Toronto and the Durham Region that you won't want to miss. Let's take a closer look at what's in store:

1. Dates and Times

Mark your calendars for the following Santa Claus parades:

  • Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade on November 18th at 10:30 am. The parade will wind through downtown Bowmanville along King St. Learn more.

  • Santa’s Parade of Lights in Oshawa on November 18th at 6:00 pm. The parade route starts at King St. and Stevenson Rd. Learn more.

  • Santa’s Spectacle of Lights in Ajax on November 25th at 6:00 pm. The parade kicks off at Bayly St. and Mackenzie Ave. and ends at Ajax Town Hall. Learn more.

  • Pickering Santa Claus Parade on November 25th at 10:00 am. Beginning at Dixie and Glenanna and ending in Pickering’s City Centre.

  • Downtown Toronto's Original Santa Claus Parade on November 26th at 12:30 pm, celebrating its 119th year with a new route. You can watch it on CTV. Learn more.

  • Port Perry Scugog Santa Claus Parade on December 2nd at 5:00 pm. The parade theme is "Christmas Movies." Learn more.

  • Whitby Santa Claus Parade on December 2nd at 10:00 am. The route runs through the heart of downtown Whitby. Learn more.

2. Unique Features and Themes

One of the highlights of this year's parades is the Scugog Santa Claus Parade's exciting theme, "Christmas at the Movies." Attendees can look forward to seeing floats inspired by their favorite holiday films. [Find movie inspiration here]

Pickering’s parade theme is Holiday Storytime, where groups are invited to represent pop culture or cultural stories about the holidays in their float design. 

3. Getting Involved

You can get involved in these parades as a spectator or participant. Many events accept donations to fund the parade or support local charities. If you're interested in participating, consider entering a float or volunteering as a marcher, marshal, or crowd supervisor. Check the parade's website for details on how to get involved.

4. Notable Sponsors and Organizations

These parades are not only a celebration of the holiday spirit but also an opportunity for community organizations and businesses to showcase themselves. For example, the Whitby Santa Claus Parade is organized by the Optimist Club of Brooklin and features over 50 organizations spreading holiday joy along the route.

5. Popular Traditions

Kids will be delighted to receive candy canes from costumed characters, local firefighters, and parade participants. These events also showcase a wide array of community organizations, from dance troupes to sports teams, allowing you to see how you can get involved in your local community.

6. Historical Facts

Did you know that the Toronto Santa Claus Parade has a rich history, running for an impressive 119 years? Even during the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the parade continued virtually, maintaining its tradition of spreading holiday joy.

7. Parade Day Tips

As you prepare to attend these parades, keep in mind the following tips:

  • Dress appropriately for the weather.

  • Bring blankets or lawn chairs for seating.

  • Consider bringing non-perishable food donations to support local charities.

  • Don't forget to bring a letter for Santa!

  • Pack snacks and warm beverages to keep everyone in your group comfortable during the parade.

So, whether you're in Toronto or the Durham Region, these Santa Claus parades are sure to get you into the holiday spirit. Bundle up, gather your loved ones, and head out to enjoy the festive floats, holiday music, and the magic of Santa himself. Make this holiday season unforgettable with the joy of a Santa Claus parade!


While the stats show GTA home prices have increased in the month of October 2023 compared to the same time last year, prices remained relatively flat from the previous month. The big change we are seeing is the inventory levels are way up and the sales volume is down.

TRREB October Market Watch Infor Graphic

Durham & Toronto Market Insights

Every city/town is unique as are the communities within them. Scroll through to find your town.

What it means for Buyers & Sellers

This presents an opportunity for buyers. You can likely avoid competing on a property and negotiate on price and terms, which hasn't always been an option for successful buyers in recent years. If you own your current home and are looking to move, it may be wise to sell first. This ensures you don't overextend on your purchase and can upgrade/downsize with confidence.

Sellers Need to Match the Market

Homes are taking longer to sell and we are seeing a lot of terminated listings and price adjustments. The properties that are selling are the ones priced correctly to today's market conditions. If you want to get your property sold then the correct pricing and presentation are extremely important.

Impact on New Home & Pre-Construction Sales

Another segment of the market that is feeling the impact of high-interest rates is new home and pre-construction sales. We are noticing that there is a growing number of assignment sales being offered at a discount from the original purchase price. If you are considering purchasing an assignment it is imperative that you have representation and have the contract reviewed thoroughly. 

What's Next

What's next for the real estate market in the GTA, well nobody knows for sure. With so many mortgages set to renew in the next few years, we will certainly be watching and waiting to see what happens with interest rates moving forward.


October 2023 Market Stats Markham Stouffville

October 2023 Market Stats Northumberland


Hello, dear readers! As your trusted real estate expert, we're back with the latest scoop on the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) real estate market for September 2023. Let's get right into it:

Staying Cool:

The GTA real estate market maintained its cool demeanor in September, following the trends set during the summer months. The impact of interest rates continued to affect buyers.

TRREB September 2023 Stats

Durham & Toronto Market Insights

Every city/town is unique as are the communities within them. Scroll through to find your town.

September 2023 Market Stats Durham
September 2023 Market Stats Toronto

Home Sales:

In September, 4,642 homes were sold in the GTA, marking a 12.1% drop from August and a 7.1% decline from the previous year. Detached homes and condo apartments continued to be the top choices for buyers. The dip in sales was more noticeable for ground-oriented homes, particularly semi-detached houses and townhouses.

Home Prices:

The average selling price for homes in the GTA was around $1,129,428. This is a 3% increase compared to the previous year and a 3.4% uptick from August. However, it's important to note that this doesn't necessarily indicate a reversal of the downward trend seen over the summer, given the rising inventory and declining sales.

Inventory Levels: 

The GTA's current month of inventory stands at 3.94 months, signaling a balanced market. New listings increased by 44% compared to the previous year and by 32% from August. Interestingly, this contrasts with the pricing trends. More homes are available, but fewer are selling, despite slightly higher prices month-over-month. In the Durham Region, the market remains more competitive, with only 2.6 months of inventory.

Days on Market:

Homes are spending an average of 20 days on the market. In Durham Region, it took approximately 25 days for homes to sell, and in Toronto, that number was around 30 days. It's worth mentioning that we're noticing many listings terminating and relisting, which can extend these timeframes.

Interest Rates and Their Impact:

Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem noted, "The fight against inflation is not over." Despite taking a "wait and see" approach in September, the impact of the nine consecutive interest rate hikes since April 2022 continues to affect buyer purchasing power. Moreover, the Bank of Canada hasn't ruled out another interest rate hike in October, with the next announcement scheduled for Oct. 25th.

Pricing Strategies:

Pricing plays a significant role in this market, especially in the Durham Region. An overpriced home can struggle to gain interest, while an underpriced one may not attract the right offer. As demand eases due to rising borrowing costs, many sellers are finding it challenging to establish the right pricing strategy. Some homes miss offer dates, terminate listings, and relist, sometimes more than once before they sell. Accurate pricing backed by data is crucial for an efficient sale.

External Factors:

The market is still influenced by the same external factors, primarily interest rates and their impact on buying power, coupled with the heightened demand driven by population growth in the GTA.

Local Market Variations:

Every market experienced significant inventory increases, but some key markets saw substantial price swings. For example, Ajax witnessed a 7.3% increase in the average price of semis, while Clarington saw a 7.5% decrease in detached prices and an 8% increase in condo pricing. These shifts are often due to fewer sales and specific property sales impacting the average price month-over-month.

What's Next:

In the short term, what happens next largely depends on the Bank of Canada's decision in its Oct. 25 announcement. If inventory continues to rise, we can expect the market to remain cool in the latter half of 2023. While mortgage affordability remains a challenge for buyers, they may have more negotiating power. Financing and inspection conditions are becoming more common in offers, and sellers will continue to adapt to a more competitive market. Preparing your home effectively, including setting a well-thought-out list price, will be crucial for attracting the right buyers.

The GTA real estate market keeps evolving, and we'll keep you updated. If you have any questions or need assistance with your real estate endeavors, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to guide you through the ever-changing world of real estate!


September 2023 Market Stats Markham Stouffville
September 2023 Market Stats Northumberland

As your trusted real estate expert, I'm here to give you a straightforward rundown of what's been happening in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) real estate market this past August. Let's dive right in:

Cooling Off, but Steady:

The GTA real estate market continued to cool off in August. A few factors played a role, such as interest rate increases by the Bank of Canada, economic uncertainty, and a shortage of available homes. So, it's been a bit more relaxed for both buyers and sellers lately.

TRREB August 2023 Stats

Durham & Toronto Market Insights

Every city/town is unique as are the communities within them. Scroll through to find your town.

August 2023 Market Stats Durhamby Brian Stanton

August 2023 Market Stats Torontoby Brian Stanton

*See insights for Markham/Stouffville & Northumberland at the bottom.

Home Sales:

In August, a total of 5,294 homes were sold across the GTA. This is a bit up from July but down 5.2% compared to last year. The most popular choices among buyers were detached homes and condo apartments.

Home Prices:

The average selling price for a home in the GTA was around $1,082,496. It's up slightly from last year but down 3.2% from July. So, prices have been holding fairly steady, with some fluctuations in condos and semis in the Durham Region.

Inventory Levels:

Right now, we have about 2.2 months of inventory. Technically, this means it's still a seller's market (anything below 3 months). But, due to the impact of interest rates, it's more balanced. We did see more listings this year, but overall, we still don't have enough homes for sale.

Days on Market:

Homes are selling faster than they did last year, but it's taking a bit longer than it did in July. On average, homes in Durham Region took 22 days to sell, and in Toronto, it was around 29 days.

Mortgage Rates and Affordability:

Interest rates have gone up ten times since April 2022. That's affecting how much people can afford to borrow. So, affordability is on the minds of many buyers. High demand and low supply are also keeping prices from dropping considerably.

Investor Trends:

We're noticing that condo investors in Toronto are starting to sell their units because of those rising interest rates. This might make condos a better option for homebuyers.

External Factors:

Interest rates are still a big deal. They affect how much people can spend on a home and how motivated sellers are. Plus, we're seeing a lot of new folks moving to the GTA, which is keeping things competitive despite challenges for buyers.

Local Market Variations:

Certain areas, like Whitby, saw a 25.2% increase in condo prices. But don’t be fooled. This was likely because there were fewer sales, and some specific properties affected the average price. We call those sales outliers.

What's Next:

As we head into September and the Fall Market, we usually see more listings and more buyers. The Bank of Canada decided to keep interest rates at 5% for now, so that gives buyers some short-term certainty. We predict a more balanced market in the near future, with financing costs being a bit high for aggressive bidding wars, but still, strong demand and low inventory will keep prices competitive.

What's the Takeaway

In a nutshell, the GTA real estate market is still active, but it's finding a more balanced groove. If you're buying or selling, make sure to stay updated with these trends, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance. We're here to help you navigate the ever-changing real estate landscape!


August 2023 Market Stats Markham Stouffvilleby Brian Stanton
August 2023 Market Stats Northumberlandby Brian Stanton


A Smooth Back-to-School Transition: 5 Home Tips for Busy Parents
As the summer days start to wind down, it's time to shift gears and prepare for the upcoming back-to-school season. Whether you're a seasoned parent or new to the school routine, creating a smooth transition can make all the difference. As a realtor who understands the importance of a well-organized home, I'm here to share five valuable tips to help you get your home and family ready for the back-to-school hustle.

Establish a Homework Haven:

One of the keys to a successful school year is creating a designated homework space. Set up a quiet and well-lit area where your children can concentrate on their studies. Stock it with essential supplies such as notebooks, pens, and a comfortable chair. Personalizing the space with your child's artwork or motivational quotes can make it even more inviting. A well-organized homework station not only boosts productivity but also encourages a positive attitude toward learning. Our daughter has a nice desk and area she helped curate to her taste which she loves working at.

Streamline Morning Routines:

Mornings can often be chaotic as everyone rushes to get ready for school. Make mornings smoother by organizing your home to support efficient routines. Create a centralized area for backpacks, lunchboxes, and shoes, so your children can quickly grab what they need before heading out the door. Prepare outfits the night before and set up a breakfast station with easy-to-grab options. Streamlining these routines can save precious time and reduce stress for both parents and children. We have a designated lunchbox home and backpack areas to keep organized in the busy mornings. We put everything away on the weekends but Sunday night its back ready for the week.

Optimize Meal Preparation: 

Balancing school and extracurricular activities can leave little time for cooking elaborate meals. Plan your weekly meals ahead of time, and consider batch cooking on weekends. Preparing and freezing portions of meals can be a lifesaver on busy weekdays. Additionally, involve your children in meal planning and preparation – not only does this teach them valuable life skills, but it also strengthens family bonds. At our house left overs keep us going when the week starts getting busy. Cooking some bigger meals and having them on hand throughout the week is extremely helpful.

Create a Family Calendar:

A shared family calendar can be a game-changer for staying organized during the school year. Hang a large calendar in a common area, or utilize digital tools for a more eco-friendly approach. Include school schedules, extracurricular activities, appointments, and important dates. Having a visual overview of everyone's commitments helps prevent conflicts and ensures that everyone is on the same page. My wife Jen has been looking at the best ways to implement this. We've recently just put up a very general 30-day calendar on the fridge and we're testing out how to manage the kid's activities for now.

Foster a Relaxing Evening Routine:

After a long day of learning and activities, it's crucial to wind down and recharge. Establish a calming evening routine that encourages relaxation and family bonding. Consider dedicating time for reading, having a family game night, or engaging in mindful activities. Limit screen time before bedtime to ensure a good night's sleep for everyone – well-rested kids are more focused and ready to tackle the challenges of the next day.
I'm the first to say we haven't managed this consistently at our house. Sometimes the kids are rowdy at bedtime and I have found that what I resist persists so leaning in and letting go is the best way to handle things if the kids aren't calming down. I know it can be frustrating especially because we know they'll be tired in the morning. All we can do is try and let the chips fall where they may.

Preparing for the back-to-school season doesn't have to be overwhelming. By implementing these five practical tips, you can create an organized and supportive home environment that sets your family up for success. Remember, a well-prepared home can make a significant difference in your child's academic journey and overall well-being. That said kids are kids. They don't always subscribe to our logic. If things don't go as planned that's okay. Life is full of surprises. I believe so long as we stay calm and keep trying our kids will get where they are going and so will we. Here's to a smooth and successful school year ahead!

Canada's economy experienced a modest 0.3% growth in GDP during May. However, it is projected that this growth may slow down in June, with an expected decrease of 0.2%. If this projection holds true, it would result in a 1.2% increase in the economy for Q2 of 2023, which is lower than the previous quarter's 3.4% increase and also falls short of the Bank of Canada's initial estimate of a 1.5% increase for Q2. The slowdown in economic growth has been a focal point for the Bank of Canada, and it may impact their decision on implementing another rate hike in September.

Given the recent economic performance and projections, there could be potential implications for the Fall Real Estate Market. The lower-than-expected GDP growth may affect consumer confidence and spending patterns. However, the overall impact on the real estate market will depend on various factors, including inflation rates and interest rates, which are yet to be announced.

To have a clearer picture of how the Fall Real Estate Market may be affected, it would be prudent to keep an eye on the upcoming updates on inflation (August 10th) and GDP for Canada (September 1st), as well as the rate announcement on September 6th. These key economic indicators will provide valuable insights into the direction of the economy and its potential impact on the real estate sector.

That said, the biggest factor for real estate in recent months has been interest rates. As we have seen throughout 2023 when interest rates stabilize more buyers enter the market and that puts upward pressure on pricing.

Below you can find a schedule of all Bank of Canada interest rate announcements for the remainder of 2023:

  • Wednesday, September 6
  • Wednesday, October 25* Monetary Policy Report Published
  • Wednesday, December 6

Sources: Bank of Canada News / Summary provided by Steven J. King, Principal Broker at Verico SGH Mortgages Inc. 


The market was more balanced in July

The market was more balanced in the Durham Region, yet still considered a seller's market* with only 2 months of inventory despite a decline in sales and average price across the region in July.

Every city/town is unique as are the communities within them. Scroll through to find your town.

July 2023 Market Stats

What's the Takeaway?

The market has slowed down slightly in July but historically the dog days of summer are when demand decreases due to buyers putting off their searches. However, buyers could also be feeling the results of June’s interest rate announcement when the Bank of Canada increased its policy rate by 0.25%.

Sellers need to stay abreast of market conditions especially as we head into September when the Bank of Canada’s next interest rate announcement will take place.

Buyers can take advantage of summer months with a little less competition and perhaps feel a little less rushed with average days on the market increasing.

What should we expect for the Fall Market?

Is this month’s sales a result of seasonality or the Bank of Canada’s interest rate increase in June? That is the question. It’s likely a little of both. If September brings another rate increase we can expect that to further impact purchasing power and in turn sales and pricing in the Durham Region.

If not the Fall Market may bring more buyers back into the market and increase competition for a limited supply of homes.

Read How will Canada’s Economy Impact the Fall Market

As always follow us and reach out with any questions you have on this ever-evolving real estate market.

*What constitutes a seller's, buyer's, or balanced market?

  • 2 or fewer months of inventory is a seller's market
  • 3-4 months of inventory is a balanced market
  • 5+ months of inventory is a buyers market

If no new properties came on the market it would take less than 2 months to sell all the available homes.


What's Happening in The Durham Region

It's still a Seller's Market, albeit cooling. 

With just over 2 months of inventory, it remains a seller's market.  Inventory increased in June and sales faltered down 15.8% in Durham from the prior month while pricing remained stable.

The Bank of Canada's June interest rate hike and the lack of inventory meeting buyer needs to this point have driven some buyers to the sidelines. 

Every city/town is unique as are the communities within them. Scroll through to find your town.

1920x965-June 2023 Market Statsby Brian Stanton

What's the Takeaway?

With inventory increasing and fewer buyers in the market the way a home is prepared, priced, and marketed is more important than in the last quarter. Inventory may have increased but it is still very low. Sellers who are prepared to attract buyers with the right listing strategy will come out on top.

Buyers who are qualified and prepared can take advantage of the slowing sales volume and increased inventory. Connect with experts like us to determine what your options are and how best to approach this market.

Could the market cool off?

Yes, in June we have already seen significant increases in new listings while sales have declined. While pricing has remained stable increasing interest rates impact affordability for buyers and that could continue to cool the market.  

The next big announcement from the Bank of Canada is set to take place in Septmeber, 2023. Follow us to see what happens with interest rates and how that will affect the real estate market. *** July 12th  Bank of Canada has raised its benchmark rate to 5%. This puts prime rate at 7.20%.***

As always follow us and reach out with any questions you have on this ever-evolving real estate market.


Top 5 Home Maintenance Projects for Summers in Ontario

As a realtor, I can provide you with a checklist of five easy home maintenance projects that are suitable for the summer months in Ontario. These projects will help keep your home in good condition and address common maintenance tasks during this season:

  1. Inspect and clean the gutters: Summer is the perfect time to check your gutters for any debris, leaves, or dirt that may have accumulated during the spring. Clean out the gutters and ensure they are properly attached to the house. This will prevent water damage and ensure proper drainage during summer rains.

  2. Check and service your air conditioning system: With the hot summer months ahead, it's essential to make sure your air conditioning system is in good working order. Clean or replace air filters, check the condenser unit for debris, and consider scheduling a professional HVAC technician to perform maintenance, if necessary.

  3. Maintain your outdoor spaces: Take advantage of the warmer weather by tending to your outdoor areas. Trim overgrown bushes, hedges, and trees to enhance the appearance of your property. Inspect and repair any damaged fences, decks, or patios. Also, clean and reseal your wooden deck to protect it from the elements.

  4. Check and repair window and door seals: Inspect the weatherstripping and caulking around windows and doors to ensure a proper seal. Damaged or worn-out seals can lead to air leaks, reducing the efficiency of your air conditioning system and increasing energy costs. Replace or repair any damaged seals to maintain a comfortable indoor environment.

  5. Test and maintain your irrigation system: If you have an automated irrigation system for your lawn or garden, summer is an excellent time to check its functionality. Test each sprinkler head to ensure proper coverage and adjust as necessary. Clean or replace clogged nozzles and make any needed repairs to avoid water wastage and maintain healthy landscaping.

Remember, if you encounter any complex issues or are unsure about any specific maintenance tasks, it's always best to consult with professionals in the respective fields for expert advice or assistance.


😍🍓 PYO strawberry season has started in Durham Region

One of the best things about Durham Region is being so close to so many great farms and markets for fresh produce like strawberries!

Growing up I worked many summers at the Zdanowicz Strawberry Farm which was located in Whitby at Taunton and Coronation. I have some fond memories of working with one of my best friends Mat and his cousin in the fields. I had a blast every summer. I am grateful to the Zdanowicz family for offering me that opportunity.

These days that land is home to 5 New Home Builder Presentation Centres but there are still plenty of great places to pick your own strawberries in Durham Region.

Here is our list of places you can go in the coming weeks to pick your own strawberries.

: Forsythe Family Farms
: Lintons Farm Market
: Pingles Farm
: Watson Farms
: Willowtree Farm


What's Happening in The Durham Region

It's still a Seller's Market

We continue to see homes sell for well over the list price in multiple offers. 

Our own listings and those of many of our colleagues at Sutton Group-Heritage Realty Inc. are seeing a ton of traffic and selling in multiples.

Every city/town is unique as are the communities within them. Scroll through to find your town.

1920x965-May 2023 Market Statsby Brian Stanton

What's the Takeaway?

Sellers can feel confident knowing there is a growing but limited pool of listings competing for a larger pool of buyers.

Buyers should be prepared when shopping and expect to compete for the home they want. It’s important to look at what comparable homes are selling for and view the list price of any property as a marketing tool rather than the asking price.

Could the market cool off?

On June 7th the Bank of Canada announced another increase to its policy rate by .25% This is the first increase since the bank indicated it would hold rates in January. While most speculators weren’t betting on further increases now that may be changing (CBC article).

The last time the bank increased rates it had a cooling effect on the market.

As always follow us and reach out with any questions you have on this ever-evolving real estate market.

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